- 29 May 2023
Switching from Google Analytics to privacy friendly tracking in 6 steps
As of July 2023 the Google Analytics Universal property will expire. Marketers were given over a year to get used to this idea and make sense of Google Analytics 4. In the meantime, serious doubts have arisen about the use of Google Analytics in Europe. The way Google handles personal data is under attack. Several European countries have even prohibited the use of Google Analytics.
- 31 Mar 2023
Primary school girls learn programming during Girls’ Day
On 30 March 2023 we welcomed a group of girls from the primary school De Oostpoort at our office in Delft. This visit was part of the national Girls’ Day: an initiative from VHTO for girls in the age of 10 to 15 years with the main goal to interest girls at a young age in science, tech and IT.
- 20 Mar 2023
Inclusive Design & Accessible Web Development
Accessibility and inclusivity still gets too little attention in web development. Mostly for reasons like budget and capacity. Even though it's proven that when you build your website or app accessible, it's more useful for all users.
- 11 Oct 2022
10 Inspiring Women in Tech - Ada Lovelace Day
Tuesday 11 October 2022 is Ada Lovelace Day, an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and math. We’d like to take this moment to showcase female tech leaders that have inspired us at De Voorhoede. So, without further ado, here are 10 women that have inspired us in one way or another.
- 4 Oct 2022
Front-end at the Edge
Edge functions are the latest extension to the serverless ecosystem. They promise low latency by running closer to the user and unlike regular cloud functions have zero cold start. Edge runtimes come in different flavors like Cloudflare Workers, Deno and most recently Bun!
- 20 Jul 2022
De Voorhoede 10 jaar - een interview met Jasper
In 10 jaar tijd bouwt Jasper Moelker De Voorhoede uit tot een gespecialiseerde front-end club met een hecht team van 30 medewerkers. Op 1 oktober viert de organisatie haar lustrum. Samen met Jasper blikken we terug op de eerste jaren, praten we over de organisatie nu en hij vertelt zijn dromen voor de toekomst.