- 16 Aug 2024
Lessons learned debugging Interaction to Next Paint (INP)
Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a new performance metric significantly affecting your search ranking (SERP). But how does it work, and how can we measure and debug it to improve our website's INP?
- 13 Jun 2022
How to make your multilingual website suitable for RTL with only HTML and CSS
Arabic, Hebrew and Persian are the most widespread Right to Left writing systems these days. When you’re making a multilingual website, where you want to combine LTR languages with RTL languages, there are some things you have to know.
- 22 Jan 2021
Load Sentry asynchronously only on error
To prevent a performance penalty by loading Sentry even if no errors occur, we wrote a small handler that lazy loads Sentry.
- 25 Feb 2020
Your website probably has a memory leak
Memory leaks are common in Single Page Apps. How do you find and fix them?
- 20 Jan 2020
The state of installability
How native is the web today?
- 8 Dec 2016
Instant static web pages with Service Worker
Cache all the things, even your HTML.
- 16 Jul 2016
Why our website is faster than yours
Our secrets revealed to getting a blazing fast website