In a 2 day hands-on workshop, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to build large performant web apps with Vue.
Vue.js (vuejs.org) is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks to build web apps. And with good reason. Vue is approachable because it stays close to web standards. It’s a full featured framework with a large ecosystem that enable you to build large performant web apps.
In our 2 day workshop you’ll build your own Slack clone with Vue. We’ll start with the core concepts all the way to how to scale up and organise your Vue app for production.
Note: due to the corona restrictions this workshop will be held online (instead of at our Amsterdam office)
(Front-end) web developers.
Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
1 or 2 day course.
What you will learn
Day 1 - Intro to Vue: You'll learn the core concepts of Vue; working with components, their life cycles, properties, methods and content slots; managing data and state; and animations in Vue.
Day 2 - Advanced Vue: You'll learn how to scale up and organise your Vue app for production; using vue-cli, vue-router, single file components and smart vs dumb components; managing state with Vuex; using async actions to connect APIs; handling errors and optimising your app.
Roughly 50% will be theory and 50% hands-on assignments.

Tickets and prices
Day 1 - Intro to Vue: € 399
Day 2 - Advanced Vue: € 399
Both days: € 599
Do you still have questions about the workshop? Don't hesitate to ask! Just contact us.