Your product is live! You now have a list of requests from stakeholders and functionalities that users ask for. In other words, a million ideas to improve your product. So how to move forward? What is the best next step and how do you acquire the right knowledge?

Improve your product?
We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Schedule a moment for a talk with Jasper, our CTO.
Roadmap session
During this session we set goals for the short and long term. With this plan at hand, you always know the priority of your features and what you and your team need to prepare for. This way your team never has to wait and can always continue improving your product!
Expert review - Front-end architecture & performance
Your product is live. Time for the next step: How can I improve my product? Are we getting everything out of the techniques we chose? Can I make my website even faster? We analyze your product with a fresh pair of eyes and present our findings in a clear report.
Expert review - Accessibility
A well developed website can be used by anyone. That also includes users with a disability. For Dutch government agencies like municipalities it's now mandatory to be completely accessible. This will be the case for other companies in the Netherlands as well. We can help! By means of an accessibility review we will check if you meet the legal guidelines. We also do a manual check to see if anybody can use your website.
Front-end consultants
You face complex technical challenges. For example, you want to work towards a new architecture or you have a specific performance issue or the accessibility of your website. The knowledge to solve this within your existing team is lacking. We share our knowledge by working on your challenge together.